Sunday, June 1, 2008


This post is dedicated to all those who have loved and won and won. Mind it! There is no losing in love, its an all profit affair. Love carries with itself a madness but there is always some reason for this madness. Whether we get the girl/boy we love is not a matter of concern. We suffer because we chose to. It hurts to know that your love is happy with someone else but it hurts even more when your loved one is not happy with you!!!. The first love like all first things is as pure as a baby's heart, with no expectations and all about feelings. The problems begin to set in once time passes and the society comes into effect. The ifs and buts become a hell too many and the purpose is lost . We begin to concentrate on all vain issues except love. Why can't we be stagnant ? Because this violates the LAW OF NATURE that nothing is permanent but CHANGE. But if I had to follow it then I will love more so that both the law and my feelings remain intact.
What first love is cannot be defined, it can be analysed using poems, stories,quotations but cannot be reakized. The feeling an individual has is that: If loving my loved one is wrong I don't want to be right!! Where does this energy come from ? The love gives this energy. It is a form of HOPE that you will get to marry your loved one, get the prince of your dreams, separate from your love so that the life is easy for him/her. I know that I have not defined love but some words are better left unsaid and the best ones are those which can't be expressed...

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